Questionnaire Results 2021
You may recall that everyone was invited to participate in a feedback questionnaire back in July last year (2021), this exercise is very valuable in understanding the needs of our residents better; but it is also very labour intensive and takes a huge amount of time to compile. However we are pleased to now be able to share the results from all those that contributed.
Results are split in to two categories
Answers to the specific questions asked
In General
In the most general sense, do you find Kirklevington & Castle Leavington Parish a pleasant place to live?
Yes - 100%
If you were to give the Parish a rating between 0 & 10 (0 being the lowest and 10 being excellent) how would you rate it?
5 - 0% 6 - 2% 7 - 11% 8 - 39% 9 - 30% 10 - 9% Did Not Answer (DNA) - 9%
Parish Council
Do you have a good understanding of what the Parish Council do/are responsible for?
Yes - 67% No - 33%
Do you know how to contact the Parish Council?
Yes - 91% No - 9%
Have you had any communication with the Parish Council over the past year?
Yes - 26% No - 72% DNA - 2%
If YES: Did you find the Parish Council supportive?
Yes - 26% No - 0% DNA - 74%
Did you find it easy to get your issue understood?
Yes - 24% No - 0% DNA - 76%
Was your issue resolved to your satisfaction?
Yes - 13% No - 4% DNA - 83%
Have you visited the new Parish website this year?
Yes - 65% No - 35%
If Yes did you find it useful / informative?
Yes - 63% No - 0% DNA - 37%
There have been many planning concerns recently (outside of our control), if they concerned you, did you communicate with the Parish Council?
Yes - 20% No - 67% DNA - 13%
Did you regard their response as helpful?
Yes - 15% No- 11% DNA - 74%
Did you write to Stockton Borough council to object / favour the application(s)
Yes - 76% No - 11% DNA - 13%
Social events
Do you believe the Parish Council should aim to foster a greater Community spirit?
Yes - 63% No - 7% DNA - 30%
Have you supported any social event organised in the Parish in the past three years?
Kirkfest Blues & Rock Halloween Trail Scarecrow Competition School Fete BBQ on the green? "YES"
30% 33% 20% 30% 30% 30% 13%
Can you suggest new events you would like to see and would you participate?
Yes - 43% No - 24% DNA - 33%
The Parish Council aims to communicate their activities by means of Newsletters, Website and Notice boards
(we have 1x on ‘The Green’, 1x at the Village Hall) Thinking about this year do you find the quarterly newsletters;
Of good frequency?
Yes - 93% No - 2% DNA - 4%
Yes - 96% No - 0% DNA - 4%
Have you read notices displayed on the Notice boards during the past year & did you find the information useful?
Yes - 94% No - 4% DNA - 2%
What is the best way to communicate with you?
Paper newsletter - Yes 87% No 2% DNA 11%
Noticeboard - Yes 59% No 13% DNA 28%
Social media - Yes 26% No 22% DNA 52%
PC Website - Yes 50% No 7% DNA 43%
Other activities (note these are not necessarily available to all due to service/private management company involvement)
Would you be supportive of a Bulb planting programme
Yes - 93% No - 2% DNA - 5%
If YES, would you be willing to help plant bulbs provided / donations?
Yes - 76% No - 17% DNA - 7%
Would you be supportive of a Parish Spring Clean?
Yes - 74% No - 9% DNA - 17%
If YES, would you be willing to help clean, fix, tidy public spaces
Yes - 61% No - 17% DNA - 22%
Do you feel we have enough litter bins? (note SBC no longer do separate bins for dog waste and general - only mixed)
Yes - 47% No - 26% DNA - 27%
Parish ideas
Would you like to see any exercise/fitness equipment in the playground?
Yes - 39% No - 33% DNA - 28%
Would you like to see a book swap facility?
Yes - 65% No - 20% DNA - 15%
Kirklevington Village Hall
Have you attended an event at the village hall?
Yes - 70% No - 26% DNA - 4%
Are you aware that activities, contact details, & hall information are available via the “” website?
Yes - 74% No - 17% DNA - 9%
Are you a member of a social group that makes regular use of the hall?
Yes - 35% No - 61% DNA - 4%
Have you ever hired the hall for a private function?
Yes - 33% No - 65% DNA - 2%
Have you ever hired the hall for a Parish or other social function?
Yes - 9% No - 85% DNA - 6%
The hall was founded, & is governed, by an independent charitable deed Would you be interested in becoming a hall trustee?
Yes - 7% No - 74% DNA - 20%
Which of the following factors do you find detrimental to your enjoyment of life in the Parish?
Speeding traffic - 74%
Parking issues - 57%
Barking dogs - 22%
Litter - 22%
Noise, other than loud music - 4%
Loud music - 4%
Dog waste on pavements - 61%
Development - 70%
Crime - 7%
Anti social behaviour - 15%
Traffic Calming measures - 54%
Road safety / Speeding - 65%
Street lighting - 4%
Traffic Volume - 59%
Litter / Bins - 13%
Pavements - 35%
HGV Lorries - 28%
Road Surfaces - 78%
Car Parking - 46%
Safety of Pedestrians - 50%
Cyclists, Riders - 15%
Litter - 20%
Pavements - 35%
Trees, Hedges etc - 41%
Parish Green Spaces - 17%
Rights of Way - 20%
Gutters and Drains - 17%
Public Transport - 28%
Refuse Collection - 9%
Recycling - 11%
Library Bus - 13%
Police - 11%
Neighbourhood Watch - 22%
Play Area - 9%
Additional Notice Board - 15%
Facilities for Elderly - 24%
Additional seating - 24%
Paper Newsletter - 30%
Electronic Newsletter - 13%
Parish Website - 2%
Your help welcomed
Becoming a Parish Councillor if vacancies arise? Yes - 7% No - 70% DNA - 24%
As a litter picker? Yes - 46% No - 39% DNA - 15%
Bulb Planting? Yes - 57% No - 33% DNA - 11%
Parish Spring Clean? Yes - 52% No - 30% DNA - 17%
As a potential Newsletter distributor? Yes - 46% No - 41% DNA - 13%
As someone who would like to suggest/help arrange social activities eg Kirkfest Yes - 13% No - 65% DNA - 22%
Are you aware of the boundaries commission’s proposal to change the existing boundaries so that Castle Leavington, Prison, Judges and all the new housing estates south of Green Lane (including the forthcoming estate near Yarm Rugby fields) move into the Yarm ward and out of the Kirklevington Parish/Ward?
Yes - 48% No - 35% DNS - 17%
How do you feel about this?
In favour - 7% Neutral - 39% Against - 41% DNA - 13%
General comments and feedback
Section / Question {Number of unique responses and comments}
Look of the village
More flowers, planters, trees and hedges {6}
Brighten and tidy up entrances to village {2}
Weeding/maintenance of court {1}
More Bins {5}
Lack of public transport and school bus service {5}
Lack of seating around the village {4}
More facilities for all ages - e.g. Cricket/football pitch, tennis, bowls. {4}
Shop {2}
Defibrillator on the green and new estate {1}
Dog Park {1}
No recycling {1}
Extra post box or a large post box {1}
More village activities {4}
A better community spirit / Active village community / Encourage more integration of community / Remove divide between existing village and new development {3}
Younger families getting more involved - not necessarily to organise social events, but to participate/engage {1}
A neighbourhood watch system {1}
News from the primary school {1}
Pavements width {3}
Cycle lanes on main roads {2}
Convex mirror opposite Crown for safe exit {1}
30mph speed limit on A67 {1}
Speed deterrents on Forest Lane {1}
Traffic on Strathmore Drive - introduce one way traffic system {1}
Speed limit reduced from A19 to Yarm {1}
More bungalows on new developments {1}
Apply weight limit to vehicles in the village {1}
Rural environment - Living on the edge of the countryside/away from the busy areas {5}
The village is peaceful {9}
The village is safe {7}
Great transport links {4}
Green {3}
Location {3}
Relatively easy access to essential services and shopping (With own transport) {3}
Mature trees are a stand out asset {1}
Separate from Yarm {1}
The residents are lovely and friendly {19}
Great community spirit/gatherings {5}
Parish newsletter is great {2}
People care for their properties {2}
Good parish council {2}
Considerate neighbours {1}
Nice atmosphere {1}
Amenities, groups and events
The Crown {5}
Village hall is a great asset - great community hub {4}
Playground well used {2}
Historical village church {2}
Ladies Group {1}
Ladies Choir {1}
Great to have village schools to encourage good age mix of people living in the village {1}
Garage is a plus point {1}
Community facilities [1}
Village Fete {1]
Quality of life {1}
Very little litter {1}
Like the volunteer litter picking {1}
Bin men always obliging {1}
Good quality housing {1}
Beautiful village with historical stories {1}
Many new arrivals are already locals - outside friends and interests {1}
Pleasant place to exercise {1}
Wild life {1}
Love the church bells {1}
Traffic volumes and congestion {17}
Parking during school drop off/pick up and on pavements {10}
Vehicle speeds {9}
Outside traffic cutting through the village to A19 {2}
Traffic noise {1}
Overdevelopment and lack of building restrictions {16}
Road and path surfaces {12}
No infrastructure for new developments e.g. Water treatment {2}
Flood management / Flooding action report {2}
Site traffic through Strathmore rather than Story site {1}
Road too narrow at corner of Stell Way and Pump Lane {1}
Sewage smell {1}
Preserve the green wedge between Kirklevington and Yarm {1}
No consideration of residents by Story {1}
Drainage {1}
Construction Traffic {1}
Dangerous road junction at the Crown {1}
Hedges and trees need cutting back to boundaries {6}
Dog fouling on pavements, fields and recreational areas {6}
Horse manure {2}
Previously a quiet and peaceful area {1}
Pigeon noise and poop {1}
Noise from properties in the summer {1}
Litter {1}
House keeping on Leavington Court {1}
Barking dogs becoming annoying {1}
Too much like suburbia {1}
Cost of living here {1}
Both partners work - less opportunity or time to volunteer and join activities {1}
Parish Council
Concern about drainage of surface water from building site {1}
Long delay in response to requests made to Story Homes {1}
More "Just do it" improvements/maintenance activity, I have no confidence in developers assurance that they will fix our prow - we need to sort this ourselves {1}
Main issue is excessive building in village and removal of hedges and green spaces {1}
Website - Any content missing or something else you would like to see?
Very useful - Lots more informative information {3}
Calendar of events {1}
Can the pictures be moved as to not obscuring the text {1}
Crime alerts {1}
Groups should self advertise more {1}
Developing {1]
Doesn't display properly on mobile phone {1}
Not user of internet {1}
Have not addressed structure {1}
I will visit the new website, impressed with your latest newsletter {1}
There have been many planning concerns recently (outside of our control), if they concerned you, did you communicate with the Parish Council?
Objected through official channel, didn't communicate with PC {9}
Seem to be banging heads against a hard place with builders/planners {1}
Email to MP concerns raised in parliament {1]
Already aware of the issue following my time as a councillor, made my views known directly to planning authorities. {1}
Had issues and the reason given for cancelling my permission was unreasonable {1}
Social events
Do you believe the Parish Council should aim to foster a greater Community spirit?
Keep up the informative newsletters {1}
Keep up the good work with events such as Kirkfest {1}
Continue to provide village events(When covid allows) {1}
Involve the village in all activities it will create more bonding {1}
I think there is a good community spirit {1}
Find money for sports facility {1}
Have you supported any social event organised in the Parish in the past three years?
Why didn't you attend social events
Busy {1}
On holiday {1}
Can you suggest new events you would like to see?
Anything {1}
Village sports {1}
Gardening Club {1}
Flower Arranging {1}
Open gardens {1}
Book club {1}
The Parish Council aims to communicate their activities by means of Newsletters, Website and Notice boards
(we have 1x on ‘The Green’, 1x at the Village Hall) Thinking about this year do you find the quarterly newsletters;
Additional comments welcome
They're quite long, which can mean I skim read instead, but probably my problem {1}
Feedback has been positive, keep them going every three months {1}
More definition of sites/maps {1}
Group contributions {1}
Website not for all ages {1}
Frequency is fine, too often costs more {1}
Website is wonderful {1}
Could include forthcoming social events in newsletter {1}
Appreciate the new newsletter for its detail {1}
Fab! {1}
At Castle Leavington we only occasionally receive newsletters {1}
More details {1}
Noticeboard on Forest Lane near the bridge end {1}
We read the noticeboards on The Green and at the village hall. They are very useful {1}
Have you read notices displayed on the Notice boards during the past year?
Only glanced really, not much relevant to me {1}
I haven't seen them {1}
Wasn't aware of the range of information, but I am now {1}
I don't walk far {1}
What is the best way to communicate with you?
Grapevine! {1}
Facebook page {1}
Leaflet drop {1}
Noticeboard near the Crown {1}
Email {1}
Other activities
Would you be supportive of a Bulb planting programme -> Unattractive post flowering {1]
Additional bins- Where do you feel new bins would be best situated
Highgrove entrance {1}
More on cul-de sacs {1}
In St Martins field {1}
The more densely populated areas {1}
Near railway {1}
Bins are too close to seats, they smell in the heat {1}
Forest Lane {2}
Junction of Forest Lane and Jasmine Fields {1}
Yes, not outside parks or church, but along main road and green space {1}
Near public footpaths {1}
New estates {1}
End of each road {1}
Near the Crown/Garage {1}
Parish ideas
Book swap {25}
Fitness equipment {8}
Bike riding facilities {1}
X-Trainer {1}
X-Bike {1}
Like to see both, but wouldn't use {2}
Yes - If suitable for older people too {1}
Kirklevington Village Hall
Would you like to see additional interest / activity groups run at the hall? If so what?
Playgroup {2}
Walking group for over 60's - Where are all the walks you can go {1}
Social event committee {1}
Games events {1}
More yoga/keep fit {1}
Knitting {1}
Crafts {1}
History of area {1}
Local social events {1}
Zumba/aerobics {1}
Slimming world {1}
Soft play {1}
Pop up shop / van {1}
There's not a lot for pre-teens to do {1}
Thai Chi {1}
Adult evening fitness classes {1}
Book reading group {1}
Badminton {1}
Gardening Group {1}
Hoping coffee mornings will return {1}
Are there any facilities / equipment not currently available that you would like the hall to provide? If so, what?
Wi-fi {2}
Extra equipment in kitchen for size of hall. Difficulty if catering for bigger groups - One small oven only etc {1}
Outside group blocking car park, can not get out after church {1}
Induction loop for hearing aids {1}
Fans for the summer {1}
Sound System {1}
Mirrors - Practicing for dance performance {1}
Which of the following factors do you find detrimental to your enjoyment of life in the Parish?
Hedges not cut back properly {2}
Flooding [1}
Noise {1}
Dust from building site {1}
Train noise. Some goods trains so loud, and overloaded, they vibrate the house {1}
Sewage smell around Pump Lane / Forest Lane junction {1}
State of Forest Lane road. Recent repairs absolutely useless {1}
Your help welcomed (Would you be willing to help the Parish Council with any of the following activities?)
Engineering / Planning Issues {1}
Was secretary for a Probus for 15 years, now retired {1}
Conservation issues {1}
Care for elderly + isolated. I am chair of Age UK Teesside {1}
Additional comments
Main concerns are not letting village character be lost by all of the developments {1}
Loss of hedges/trees/green space, which has a knock on effect to our wildlife {1}
SBC have been very poor {1}
Residents should maintain their hedges and trees and consider the effect on neighbours and the public {1}
Well done on the design of this letter {1}
Asking for volunteers via newsletters doesn't seem to produce results. Directly approach people who have past involvement or +ve attitude {1}
It would be good to see young adults coming up with ideas {1}
Concern on continual parking on Forest Lane. The position on the apex of a slight bend is dangerous. {1}
Trees on Pump Lane need pruning {1}
Make Kirklevington even more beautiful {1}
Concerned about traffic volume, speeding, school parking & poor parking {2}
Great newsletter - cements the community {1}
Lots of information for new residents {1}
How will the boundary change effect us - Suspicious of change {5}
We must prevent building development from using St Martins way as an access for HGVs {1]
Dangerous for pedestrians near the school entrance, especially when HGV traffic increases due to development. {1}
Object to Yarm trying to incorporate south of Green Lane. We are constantly pushed towards being Yarm, rather than being a separate village. {1}
Lack of pedestrian crossing at the Shell Garage {1}
Forest Lane has been widened twice, up to gateways, there are no sight lines. {1}
More through traffic cutting through to the main road {3}
Some of the fastest drivers live in the village {1}
Thanks for the means of feedback and all your services to the folks of Kirklevington {1}
Our village community has pulled together through Covid {1}
Thanks to the parish council for looking after Kirklevingtons interests, particularly planning {1}
Could we apply for Forest Lane to be 20mph {1}
We sincerely hope we do not become part of Yarm {1}
The footpath opposite Town End Close would be safer if the gap in the fence was filled in {1}
This is a good initiative to ask what people think {2}
We appreciate the Kirkcommunity website, particularly during lockdowns {1}
Super community support {1}
Would like a safe walking path into Yarm, which isn't next to the A67 {1}
Traffic / speed restrictions on Forest Lane {2}
Back lane leaving the village towards Darlington - a footpath/cycle lane {1}
A play area for older children {1}
Parking on pavements, preventing wheelchairs and pushchairs passing {2}
Cars stopping at the Crown, forcing other car users leaving the A67 to stop suddenly, blocking the A67. {1}
Cars parked in front of the postbox, outside of the village hall, block the view when leaving Pump Lane. {1}
Enjoy living in Kirklevington and thank the Parish Council for all your hard work and vigilance {1}
Parent are the worst for endangering children by their parking - Involve children in safe parking monitoring? {1}